Commitment Letter


  • We commit to recommending the product we would buy if we were in your position, no more, no less.
  • We commit to maintaining unique and loyal relationships with our vendors to bring you the possible service, products and prices.
  • We promise to stay informed on products and services.
  • We promise to hold in the strictest confidence, and consider as privileged, all business and personal information pertaining to your needs. We commit to destroying any information you furnish as soon as it is no longer needed.
  • We promise to make full and total disclosure of all facts necessary to help you make informed decisions. We will always be honest.
  • We promise to you that it is our intention to continue to be in the business of providing solutions to your business needs for many years to come.
  • We promise to adhere to all provisions of the laws and regulations in the jurisdiction(s) where you operate.


  • We ask that you provide us timely with information necessary to properly evaluate and help meet your needs.